A Customizable and Material Design ready Pattern/Pin Lock View

React Native: Lock Screen.An easy-to-use, customizable and Material Design ready Pattern/Pin Lock view for Android & iOS.





With Background

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-lock-screen --save

$ react-native link react-native-lock-screen

$ react-native link react-native-svg

  • iOS

$ cd ./node_modules/react-native-lock-screen/ios/ && pod install


import RNLockScreen from 'react-native-lock-screen';

<RNLockScreen type={RNLockScreen.Type.Pin} mode={RNLockScreen.Mode.Capture} onCapture={lock => {
  }} onVerified={() => {



Prop Type Default Note
type number Pin - 0 Specify type of lock (Pin/Pattern)
mode number Capture - 0 Specify mode of lock (Capture/Verify)
lock string Specify lock then the mode is Verify
onCapture func Specify onCapture event function, this is invoked once passcode is captured
onVerified func Specify onVerified event function, this is invoked when the passcode is verified
backgroundImage number : optional Specify lock screen background image
renderHeaderFragment func : optional Specify func to customize header fragment
renderSeparator func : optional Specify func to customize separator
renderLockFragment func : optional Specify func to customize lock fragment
patternProps object : optional Specify obj to pass pattern props
pinProps object : optional Specify obj to pass pin props
headerFragmentProps object : optional Specify obj to pass header fragment props
lockFragmentProps object : optional Specify obj to pass lock fragment props
defaultState object : optional Specify obj to pass DEFAULT state props
reenterState object : optional Specify obj to pass REENTER state props
successState object : optional Specify obj to pass SUCCESS state props
errorState object : optional Specify obj to pass error state props
confirmPin object : optional Specify obj to pass confirm pin state props
deletePin object : optional Specify obj to pass delete pin state props
  • Default State Props: defaultState
Prop Type Default Note
title string Enter a passcode Specify the header fragment title
titleStyle string { fontSize: 24, color: "#FFF" } Specify title style
icon string lock icon Specify the header circle icon
dotProps string style: { backgroundColor: "#FFF" } Specify the Dot component props
  • Reenter State Props: reenterState
Prop Type Default Note
title string Enter a passcode Specify the header fragment title
titleStyle string { fontSize: 24, color: "#FFF" } Specify title style
icon string lock icon Specify the header circle icon
dotProps string style: { backgroundColor: "#FFF" } Specify the Dot component props
  • Success State Props: successState
Prop Type Default Note
title string Enter a passcode Specify the header fragment title
titleStyle string { fontSize: 24, color: "#FFF" } Specify title style
icon string lock icon Specify the header circle icon
dotProps string style: { backgroundColor: "#037d50" } Specify the Dot component props
  • Error State Props: errorState
Prop Type Default Note
title string Enter a passcode Specify the header fragment title
titleStyle string { fontSize: 24, color: "#FFF" } Specify title style
icon string lock icon Specify the header circle icon
dotProps string style: { backgroundColor: "#be0000" } Specify the Dot component props
  • Pin Props
Prop Type Default Note
confirmPin string Specify text/icon/style of confirm pin
deletePin string Specify text/icon/style of delete pin
rippleProps string Specify props of ripple. Please refer react-native-material-ripple
containerStyle string Specify style of root container
textStyle string Specify style of text displayed
suggestionStyle string Specify style of suggestion displayed
alphabetPinSuggestion bool true Enable/Disable alphabet suggestion
  • Confirm/Delete Pin Props
Prop Type Default Note
title string Specify text of confirm pin
icon string Confirm Icon/Delete Icon Specify icon of confirm pin
style string Specify style of title/icon

Download Details:

Author: prscX

GitHub: https://github.com/prscX/react-native-lock-screen

#react-native #programming #ios #android

A Customizable and Material Design ready Pattern/Pin Lock View
33.90 GEEK