Selecting a front-end framework can be difficult when thinking about your requirement and the future of the framework. Angular, Vue, and React are the most three popular frameworks and library among many JavaScript frameworks. But you don’t have time to learn all three.

So how do you choose?

Don’t overthink. If you can be successful with any of these frameworks, learning one framework makes it easier to learn another. As you learn everything you need to know about a framework.

Here you won’t just learn about that specific framework. You will also learn about

  • shared concepts
  • Architecting single-page applications
  • designing and developing components
  • understanding how data flows through an application
  • properly managing state templating and data binding
  • working with back-end API s
  • handling client-side routing using language
  • abstractions like SAAS and typescript
  • applying to test and all of its variant forms
  • leveraging front-end builds

If you have these fundamentals you will be able to learn any framework without worrying.

But, what if there is any specific reason to use one special framework?

#react #angular #vuejs #javascript

React vs. Angular vs. Vue - What Will You Choose as the Best JavaScript Framework for front-end Development
11.65 GEEK