Android To-Do List Project

Let’s work on a simple To Do List Project, this android project helps beginners to practice their learnings and gain confidence in android development.

To Do List Project Details

To-Do List project is an application specially built to keep track of errands or tasks that need to be done. This application will be like a task keeper where the user would be able to enter the tasks that they need to do. Once they are done with their tasks they can also remove them from the list. Let us see what is there in the application:

  1. You can add the tasks that are to be done in a descriptive way.
  2. You will be able to add as many tasks as you have.
  3. Once the task is completed, you will be able to remove it by clicking on “Task Completed” button.

Following are the user interface components that will be shown in our application-

  1. There will be an add task button on the right top of the application
  2. There will be a button “Task Completed” for each task added, so you will be able to delete it.
  3. The tasks that will be added by the users are stored in the list view.

What are the prerequisites for this project ?

Before we begin with our project, we would like you to know the prerequisites for the same so you can understand it. We have made our project using Java programming, but Android even supports Kotlin now. Please consider the following things that you must have good hands with-

  1. Object Oriented Programming Concepts
  2. Java Programming / Kotlin
  3. Extensible Markup Language
  4. Android Studio
  5. Android Virtual Machine

Project Implementation

Now, let’s start the implementation of To Do List Project, consider the following steps:

Download the source code

First, download the complete project code: Android To-Do List Project Source Code

Once you download a project you can import it in your Android Studio directly without any difficulty. After you have downloaded the project, extract it in the location that you prefer. Now, you can import the project using the process that we described in Create Your First App in Android Studio.

Once you are ready with importing your code you can run it on the Android Virtual Machine.

1. After running the application, following :

to do list app

2. Now begin working on the app, click on the “ + ” button on the top right:

create task

3. Now, here you can type the task that you want to add:

add new task

#android tutorials #android project #android project for beginners #to do list #to do list app

Develop Android To-Do List App - Android Project for Beginners
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