Launch Prisma Examples Effortlessly with try-prisma CLI

try-prisma is a CLI tool that helps you easily get up and running with any project in the prisma/prisma-examples repository.

These projects are meant to be playgrounds for you to test integrations and features, not production-ready boilerplates or templates.


The easiest way to set up a project using try-prisma is to run the following command:

npx try-prisma

This will walk you through a set of interactive options (detailed below) to help you set up your project.

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You can optionally provide arguments to the npx try-prisma command as an alternative to (or in combination with) the interactive experience.

The options are as follows:

--install-iBoolean (optional)falseSpecifies you would like to install npm packages automatically after creating the project. You can also specify which package manager to use [npm, yarn, or pnpm]
--name-n Selected project nameName of resulting directory.
--path-p .Path to the directory where the new folder should be created.
--template-t n/aSpecifies which example project would you like to start off with.
--vscode-vBoolean (optional)falseAdds a .vscode folder with a extensions.json file suggesting the Prisma VS Code extension.


Selecting a template and installing packages

You would like to use the template named typescript/grpc, install packages automatically:

npx try-prisma -t typescript/grpc --install

In this scenario, you will still be prompted to input values for your preferred package manager and the name of the resulting folder.

Selecting a package manager

If you wanted to use yarn to install the packages automatically:

npx try-prisma -i yarn

Selecting a directory and folder name

Below, you would create a new project at ../../projects/new_folder:

npx try-prisma -p ../../projects -n new_folder

All of the options!

Interactive terminal who?? Use all the options!

npx try-prisma -t typescript/grpc -i pnpm -n my_project -p ./projects

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Launch Prisma Examples Effortlessly with try-prisma CLI
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