In 2020, internet traffic is split 44/52 between desktop and mobile. As 71% of customers expect a comparable product experience across channels, companies turn towards progressive web apps (PWAs) — advanced websites that provide app-like functionalities on mobile devices.

Read on to discover how these 10 high-performing PWA apps brought renewed business success for the companies that adopted them.

What are progressive web apps?

Think of a responsive website and add native app functionalities to it. That’s what defines progressive web apps. They’re developed with lightweight web technologies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as speed is essential for conversions.

Starbucks PWA installation process

On a desktop, PWAs mimic websites. On a mobile phone, they’re faster and lighter than native apps with similar functions. No app store installation is needed.

Open a PWA website in Chrome, Firefox, or Opera mobile browser, add a desktop shortcut, and you can use the same website as an app. PWAs deliver:

  • Media capturing through the camera
  • User contact access
  • Geolocation access
  • Push notifications
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • AR/VR object projection
  • Speech recognition
  • Background updates
  • Offline and low connectivity modes

You can see what the latest PWAs offer at

responsive website vs native app

We’re glued to our phone for an average of 3.15 hours per day, so all these features are necessary to maximize user interaction during that window. But responsive websites can’t deliver them. Native apps can, but development costs are higher, and a finished product can be too complex to perform stable enough (thanks, Java). The publisher has to go through an app store to get any traction for the software, and often people are too impatient to spend 10 minutes to install it. That leads to weaker adoption.

A PWA offers enough to substitute for a native app as a budget-friendly option that can be deployed in a matter of days, months, or years, depending on its complexity.

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10 best progressive web apps in 2020
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