YoYo Video player for Flutter

YoYo Video Player

YoYo Video Player is a HLS(.m3u8) video player for flutter. The video_player is a video player that allows you to select HLS video streaming by selecting the quality. YoYo Player wraps video_player under the hood and provides base architecture for developers to create their own set of UI and functionalities.


  • You can select multiple quality and open
  • On video tap play/pause, mute/unmute, or perform any action on video.
  • Auto hide controls.
  • srtVideo Subtitle Support
  • (.m3u8) HLS Video Streaming Support

Install & Set up

  1. Add dependency, open the root directory pubspec.yamlFile independencies:Add the following code below
yoyo_player: #latest
  1. Installation dependencies (please ignore if it has been installed automatically)
 cd Project directory
 flutter packages get
  1. Introduce the library in the page
import 'package:yoyo_player/yoyo_player.dart';


A simple usage example:

          aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
          url:  "",
          videoStyle: VideoStyle(),
          videoLoadingStyle: VideoLoadingStyle(),

Change Icon

 videoStyle: VideoStyle(
    play : Icon(Icons.play_arrow),
    pause : Icon(Icons.pause),
    fullscreen : Icon(Icon(Icons.fullscreen)),
    forward : Icon(Icons.skip_next),
    backward : Icon(Icons.skip_previous),

Change Video Loading

 videoLoadingStyle: VideoLoadingStyle(loading : Center(child: Text("Loading video")),

Play With Subtitle

        body: YoYoPlayer(
          aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
          //url ( .m3u8 video streaming link )
          //example ( url :"https://sfux-ext.sfux.info/hls/chapter/105/1588724110/1588724110.m3u8" )
          //example ( url :"https://player.vimeo.com/external/440218055.m3u8?s=7ec886b4db9c3a52e0e7f5f917ba7287685ef67f&oauth2_token_id=1360367101" )
          url:  " ",
          videoStyle: VideoStyle(),
          videoLoadingStyle: VideoLoadingStyle(
            loading: Center(
              child: Text("Loading video"),
          //subtitle ( ...srt subtitle link )
          //example ( subtitle:"https://eboxmovie.sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com/mmmmtest.srt")
          subtitle: "",
          // subtitle style
          subtitleStyle: SubtitleStyle(),

Player Option


Attributes Type Description
url String Video source ( .m3u8 & File only)
subtitle Î String Subtitle (.srt)o source
videoStyle VideoStyle Video Player style
videoLoadingStyle VideoLoadingStyle Video Loading Style
aspectRatio double Video AspectRaitio [aspectRatio : 16 / 9 ]
subtitleStyle SubtitleStyle Video Subtitle Style
onfullscreen VideoCallback video state fullscreen

Player custom style (VideoStyle)

Attributes Type Description
play Widget You can use any Widget you want
pause Widget You can use any Widget you want
fullscreen Widget You can use any Widget you want
forward Widget You can use any Widget you want
backward Widget You can use any Widget you want
playedColor Color You can use any Icon style you want
qualitystyle TextStyle You can use any Text style you want
qashowstyle TextStyle You can use any Text style you want

Player Loading custom style (VideoStyle)

Attributes Type Description
loading Widget You can use any loading style you want

Subtitle Style

Attributes Type Description
fontweight FontWeight You can use any Subtitle style you want
colors Color You can use any Subtitle style you want
background Color You can use any Subtitle style you want
fontSize double You can use any Subtitle style you want

Buy Me a Coffee

Buy Me A Coffee

How is it created ?

  • The data in the source url (m3u8) is regex checked and the child m3u8 files are created and saved according to the respective rules.
  • It starts creating child m3u8 files as soon as the video starts playing
  • Each time a video is completed or the main url changes, child m3u8 files are checked and deleted.

The child m3u8 files are created as follows:

  • If viedo quality yoyo[vido-quality].m3u8

  • If video quality & audio quality yoyo[video-quality][audio-quality].m3u8

Support M3U8


Player Screenshot

Download Details:

Author: ko-htut

Source Code: https://github.com/ko-htut/yoyo-player

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

YoYo Video player for Flutter
55.65 GEEK