We know that Jenkins is widely used as a Continuous Integration tool across the industry and provides great ease in automating the delivery pipeline. Moreover, we have already understood what Jenkins is? and how we may use it in our previous articles. Now we will go a step ahead and understand what a Jenkins pipeline is? Subsequently, we will dive through its concepts and learn to run a Jenkins Pipeline in this article. The basic concepts that we will cover are:

  • What is Jenkins Pipeline?
  • Why use Jenkins Pipeline?
  • What is Jenkinsfile?
  • Understanding Jenkinsfile syntax.
  • Understanding Key constructs of Jenkinsfile.
  • How to create Jenkins Pipeline?
  • How to create a Scripted Jenkins Pipeline?
  • And, how to create a Declarative Jenkins Pipeline?

What is Jenkins Pipeline?

In simple words, a pipeline is a set of interconnected tasks that execute in a specific order. Additionally, Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that help users implement and integrate continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. Moreover, using Pipeline, you can create complex or straightforward delivery pipelines as code via the Pipeline domain-specific language(DSL) syntax. Subsequently, the below states represent a continuous delivery Pipeline:

Jenkins Continuous Deliver Pipeline

#jenkins #jenkins pipeline

Jenkins Pipeline - Different types of CI pipelines and stages
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