For evaluating any value you need to write a special kind of statement, this statement is called expression. Operands and Operators are the main elements of expression.

Operands represent data

Operator is a special kind of symbol that tells how the operands will be processed to generate the result.

e.g. 5+3 here 5 and 3 are operands and +(plus sign) is the operator.

and whole 5+3 is the expression.

In Dart you get the following types of operators :

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Bitwise Operator
  • Assignment Operator
  • Logical Operator
  1. Arithmetic Operators

Following are the arithmetic operators supported by Dart

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Arithmetic Operators

#operators #flutter #flutter-app-development

Dart Programming  - Learning Operators.
1.15 GEEK