Static site generators are becoming more and more popular.

Static sites were served for the internet world in the early stages of web development. Then, dynamic websites appeared, which was considered as a great evolution. Now, static sites are coming back, only it’s big this time.

With the growth of the Jamstack community, there’s no doubt that static site generators are the next big thing.

And it’s the reason why today, in this story, I will introduce you to 14 great static site generators.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Gatsby

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If you know the concept of static site generator, chances you know about Gatsby too because it’s the most used today.

What makes me fall in love with Gatsby is its amazing plugins. Whenever I face an issue, there’s always a plugin to help me out. You should take your time and give it a shot, it’s worth every second.

2. React Static

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React Static is another great static site generator built on top of React. The goal of React Static is to provide a straightforward and better development with a little learning curve.

3. Sapper

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Sapper is not just a static site generator. It’s more than that. You can use Sapper to create server-rendered pages, define API endpoints, and build high-performance web apps.

4. Nextjs

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This one is built on top of React, the most popular JavaScript framework so far, which makes Nextjs a considerable option for building static sites and even server-rendered apps and progressive web apps.

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Top 14 Static Site Generators for Building Fastest Web Applications
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