Amazon announced the general availability of AWS Lambda support for Amazon Elastic File System. Amazon EFS is a fully managed, elastic, shared file system and designed to be consumed by other AWS services.
With the release of Amazon EFS for Lambda, we can now easily share data across function invocations. It also opens new capabilities, such as building/importing large libraries and machine learning models directly into Lambda functions. Let’s go over how to build a serverless conversational AI chatbot using Lambda function and EFS.
In this post, we will:

  • Create an Amazon Elastic File System
  • Deploy and run a SageMaker notebook instance and Mount EFS to instance.
  • Download PyTorch libraries and ConvAI pre-trained model to EFS.
  • Add dialog history DynamoDB table and Gateway endpoint to save & retrieve conversation history.
  • Deploy a chatbot engine Lambda function and enable EFS for it.

#ef #aws-lambda #machine-learning #chatbots #serverless

Building a Conversational AI Chatbot With AWS Lambda Function and Amazon EFS
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