React Native (RN) is a popular cross-platform framework with several built-in components that come ready to use in your project. Additionally, React Native comes with many open source libraries supported by its strong developer community. The community keeps these libraries up-to-date to ensure quick development and deployment of solutions.

React Native supports a greater number of libraries than Xamarin, Flutter, or Ionic, which makes it a framework of choice for clients and developers. In this article, we are going to talk about the top 7 libraries that are used in React Native projects.

1. NativeBase

NativeBase is one of the most popular libraries within the React Native community and has more than 43K weekly downloads, 14.2K GitHub stars, and 1.7K GitHub forks.

NativeBase is a dynamic frontend framework created by passionate developers from the React community. It enables developers to build high-quality mobile apps using React Native with support for the latest ECMAScript standards.

Some of the companies that leverage this library includes Microsoft, SocialDog, and Evand.

NativeBase specifically helps users design the look and feel of an app. Itfits well with mobile applications and cuts down a huge part of your effort during app development.

Installing NativeBase

npm install native-base --save

Sample Component Code snippet:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Container, Button, Text } from 'native-base';
export default class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

NativeBase components are created using the React Native platform along with some JavaScriptfunctionality and are highly customizable to fit most project needs. NativeBase also comes with starter kits that provide a wide range of templates for different business use cases. One of the main advantages of this library is that it integrates well with other third-party libraries. NativeBase provides the same look and feel as the operating platform on which it runs and allows users to easily customize components by creating a separate file.

NativeBaserenders the same UX as natively written applications because NativeBase uses the React Native platform’s default rendering and layout engine. It allows you to have a common codebase for your entire application’s code.

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Top 7 Open Source React Native Packages of 2020
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