Rain effect for HTML content with Vuejs



This is a vue component made for fun which renders slots in rain animation. It could be reallt useful if you want to create a shower effect with emojis.


 <VueRain :rainSpeed="100" :rainFade="3000">
    <!-- Rendering water drop emoji using slots-->


There are currently the following props:

Prop Description Required Default
rainSpeed This prop determines the speed of which the slots gets render, the lesser the more slots gets created. Consider it like the lesser it is the more its going to rain. It is measured in milliseconds. false 30
rainFade This prop is used to specify the time after which the rendered slot should fade away. It is measured in milliseconds. false 5000


There are currently the following slots:

Slot Description Example
default This is default slot which will be rendered inside the component and the rain animation is added to this HTML. It is in the above usage Example


Coming soon…

Download Details:

Author: tabrezdn1

Source Code: https://github.com/tabrezdn1/vue-rain

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Rain effect for HTML content with Vuejs
9.80 GEEK