Leverage innovative face detection technology to instantly locate the positions of faces in an image to assist with metadata entry, accessibility features, etc.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to use our Face Detection API to instantly locate and identify the position of all faces within an image. This can be particularly helpful for websites to assist with metadata entry, captioning, and accessibility features.

Face detection technology has come a long way over the past decade; it began with simple computer vision techniques and has progressed to sophisticated AI and other state-of-the-art technologies. The reason it has become such an integral innovation is due to the role it plays as the initial step in numerous facial recognition processes.

Face detection is often used interchangeably with facial recognition, but the two terms actually have two different definitions. Face detection is a specific function that finds and identifies human faces in images or videos, while facial recognition is a method of identifying or verifying the identity of an individual from their face.

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How To Detect Faces in an Image in Java
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