When learning a new skill, at first you might get intimidated. That intimidation can grow to become frustration which can then lead to a lack of motivation. You must stay motivated when learning something new, especially in demanding areas like web development.

One thing capable of drying up that motivation is spending too much time making corrections. Let’s be realistic sometimes, we jump right into writing code, without proper planning and then suffer the consequences. Equip yourself with the right knowledge and tools the earlier the better, save yourself from potentially sabotaging that juice you’ve got for learning.

Use easily recognizable class names

I cannot stress the benefits of naming classes in a way you can easily identify its purpose. You might think that there’s no need to stress about class naming, but for big projects, it is necessary. The advantage arises when you want to make changes to your code.

If you’re working on a news website and you have a section for sports news, you can name the class of the container sports or sports-container instead of news-section-4 or bottom-news-container or even something more absurd. Whenever you intend to make changes weeks or months later, you can easily identify the section you’re styling since the name is unique. There is a popular technique for naming classes known as The Block, Element, Modifier methodology

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