The other day I visited a website that had a cool feature that I wanted to implement in my personal website. There were images, moving horizontally through the page on an infinite loop. I thought to myself, how I can recreate this functionality?

I searched Google, looking up image carousel, image slider, horizontal image animation, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. Then, I finally came across the word, Marquee. This is exactly what I needed! To my surprise, there was actually an HTML tag called marquee, which could do the functionality that I was looking for. The only problem was that this was obsolete.

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On to the next solution. I decided to implement this animation using basic CSS and keyframes. In this article, I will share my solution with you, and walk you through how to build an infinite marquee horizontal animation. Here is a preview of what we will be building. If you’d just like to see the full source code, you can check out my GitHub repo at the end of the article.

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#programming #html #css #web-development

Create a Marquee Animation with HTML and CSS
2.60 GEEK