Welcome to Part 2 of Become a Data Scientist!

You’re going to want to watch all the way to the end, because if you don’t, you’ll be missing vital information for working as a Data Scientist! And don’t worry, I put in a couple well-timed breaks so that you can take a breather.

Today we go over the Python programming language, along with its central data science libraries: Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. We describe Pandas Dataframes, NumPy n-dimensional arrays, and show off how to perform graphing both in Pandas and Matplotlib. We use Google Colab Notebooks, an interactive environment for writing Python code where we don’t have to worry about any system dependencies!

#python #pandas #numpy #numpy #data-science

Coding with Python, Pandas, Numpy & Matplotlib: Become a Data Scientist in 3 Hours | Part 2
1.80 GEEK