JUnit 5 is one of the most popular frameworks for testing Java applications. In this crash course, you will learn about Junit 5 and how to use it to write unit tests for your Java programs.

💻 Source Code for Starter Project: https://github.com/SaiUpadhyayula/contact-manager-starter
💻 Source Code for Completed Project: https://github.com/SaiUpadhyayula/contact-manager

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (00:28) What is JUnit?
⌨️ (01:09) JUnit Architecture
⌨️ (02:19) First JUnit Test
⌨️ (08:26) Testing Exceptions using assertThrows()
⌨️ (10:10) Understanding JUnit Test Lifecycle
⌨️ (13:42) Conditional Executions
⌨️ (15:11) Assumptions
⌨️ (16:58) Repeated Tests
⌨️ (18:48) Parameterized Tests
⌨️ (23:47) Nested Tests
⌨️ (25:22) Disabled Tests

#java #testing #junit #programming #developer

Java Testing - JUnit 5 Crash Course
6.10 GEEK