Predicting is hard, especially with Blazor. If you’re trying to decide if Blazor will take off, then don’t look at the technical specs: Look at the ecosystem that is growing up around it. That’s what happened with other successful client-side frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js.

If you’re trying to decide if Blazor will take off as a client-side development tool, you should look at the history, not the functionality, of frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular.

Twice in the last week I’ve had clients compare Blazor to Microsoft’s previous technology that also supported executing server-side code/libraries in the browser: Silverlight. I think that’s like comparing apples and orangutans. The correct comparison for Blazor is one of the JavaScript client-side frameworks, like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Comparing Blazor to those successful toolsets also has the benefit of highlighting what Blazor needs to succeed.

The critical success factor for Blazor isn’t a technical issue like Ahead of Time compile or reducing the size of the initial download. There are, I bet, multiple clever solutions for those problems (and at least one open-source organization thinks they’ve already solved it). Technical sophistication isn’t what has made Vue.js or Angular or React into successful platforms.

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What Blazor Needs: An Ecosystem
2.60 GEEK