It is now possible to perform segmentation on 150 classes of objects using ade20k model with PixelLib. Ade20k model is a deeplabv3+ model trained on ade20k dataset, a dataset with 150 classes of objects. Thanks to tensorflow deeplab’s model zoo, I extracted ade20k model from its tensorflow model checkpoint.

Install the latest version tensorflow (tensorflow 2.0) with:

  • pip3 install tensorflow

Install Pixellib:

  • pip3 install pixellib — upgrade

Implementation of Semantic Segmentation with PixelLib:

The code to implement semantic segmentation with deeplabv3+ model is trained on ade20k dataset.

import pixellib
from pixellib.semantic import semantic_segmentation

segment_image = semantic_segmentation()
segment_image.segmentAsAde20k(“path_to_image”, output_image_name= “path_to_output_image”)

We shall observe each line of code:

import pixellib
from pixellib.semantic import semantic_segmentation segment_image = semantic_segmentation()

The class for performing semantic segmentation is imported from pixelLib and we created an instance of the class.


In the code above we loaded the xception model trained on ade20k for segmenting objects. The model can be downloaded from here.

segment_image.segmentAsAde20k(“path_to_image”, output_image_name = “path_to_output_image)

We loaded the function to perform segmentation on an image. The function takes two parameters…

#deep-learning #computer-vision #artificial-intelligence #image-segmentation #machine-learning

Semantic Segmentation of 150 Classes of Objects With 5 Lines of Code
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