18 React Native Dialog Component Libraries you Should Know

React Native Report Modal

Customizable Report Modal via Paraboly for React Native. https://www.paraboly.com

"React Native Report Modal"

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Rn Android Picker Dialog

dynamic android picker dialog for react native

"React Native Android Picker Dialog"

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React Native Modals

A react native modals library. Swipeable. Highly customizable. Support multi modals & Support custom animation. For IOS & Android.

"React Native Modals"

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React Native Material Dialog

Material design dialog components for React Native. JavaScript-only, for iOS and Android.

"React Native Material Dialog"

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React Native Step Modal

React Native modal with step indicator

"React Native Step Modal"

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React Native Dialog Input

Dialog with input for React Native on iOS and Android.

"React Native Dialog Input"

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React Native Dialogbox

This is a custom component for React Native, a simple popup, compatible with ios and android.

"React Native Dialogbox"

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React Native Simple Dialogs

⚛ Cross-platform simple dialogs for React Native based on the Modal component

"React Native Simple Dialogs"

An Expo Demo Link

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React Native Awesome Alerts

Awesome alerts for React Native, works with iOS and Android.

"React Native Awesome Alerts"

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React Native Snackbar

A React Native SnackBar component with configurable dialog.

"React Native Snackbar"

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React Native Modal

An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal.

The goal of react-native-modal is expanding the original react-native Modal component by adding animations and styles customization options while still providing a plain-simple API.

"React Native Modal"


  • Smooth enter/exit animations
  • Plain simple and flexible APIs
  • Customizable backdrop opacity, color and timing
  • Listeners for the modal animations ending
  • Resize itself correctly on device rotation
  • Swipeable
  • Scrollable

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React Native Dialog

A pure JavaScript React-Native dialog that follows closely the UI of its native counterpart while expanding its features.

"React Native Dialog"


  • Support for iOS and Android (JavaScript API)
  • A flexible declarative API
  • Follows closely the UI of a native dialog/alert
  • Can be used both as an alert and as an input prompt
  • Can be injected with any component

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React Native Styled Dialogs

React Native: Native Styled Dialogs

"React Native Styled Dialogs"

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React Native Android Location Services Dialog Box

React Native Android Location Services Dialog Box
A react-native component for turn on the dialog box from android location services

"React Native Android Location Services Dialog Box"

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React Native Add Calendar Event

Create, view or edit events in react native using the standard iOS / Android dialogs
This package alows you to start an activity (Android) or show a modal window (iOS) for adding, viewing or editing events in device’s calendar. Through a promise, you can find out if a new event was added and get its id, or if it was removed. The functionality is provided through native modules and won’t therefore work with Expo.

"React Native Add Calendar Event"

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React Native Hijri Date Picker Android

Date Dialog for Hijri calendar for android

"React Native Hijri Date Picker Android"

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React Native Dialogs

An Android only module for Material Design dialogs. This is a wrapper over afollestad/material-dialogs. This module is designed for Android only with no plans to support iOS.

"React Native Dialogs"

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React Native Modals

A react native modals library. Swipeable. Highly customizable. Support multi modals & Support custom animation. For IOS & Android.React Native Modals Library for iOS & Android.

"React Native Modals"

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18 React Native Dialog Component Libraries you Should Know
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