Create Chained Form Fields With ChoiceFilter.js


ChoiceFilter is a pure Vanilla JavaScript library which creates chained dependency among select dropdown lists, checkboxes and radio buttons in a simple and an easy way. A common use case is if you select a continent from a dropdown then countries in another dropdown which relies on continents should be filtered based on the selected item, similarly countries dropdown may filter a group of checkboxes for instance a group of cities. In this case of ChoiceFilter, continents filter countries and countries filter cities, if continents dropdown is changed based on its new value the domino effect may occur and the whole chain gets affected.

Main Features
  • Pure Vanilla Javascript
  • No Dependencies
  • Simple & Easy to use
  • Single file
  • Creates chained dependency among n elements
  • Creates chained dependency among different element types e.g dropdown, checkbox, radio
  • Creates and handles Domino effect

Supports following relationships:

  • Dropdown to Dropdown
  • Dropdown to Checkbox
  • Dropdown to Radio
  • Checkbox to Checkbox
  • Checkbox to Dropdown
  • Checkbox to Radio
  • Radio to Radio
  • Radio to Checkbox
  • Radio to Dropdown

You can build dependency (relationships) like:

  • Dropdown to Checkbox to Radio to Dropdown
  • Radio to Checkbox to Dropdwon


Online demo is available!
Video demo is also available.

Get Started

Install by manual download:

Download choice-filter.js which is located in js folder and include it as follows :

 <script type="text/javascript" src="choicefilter.js"> </script>

You can also install it from npm by running the following command:

npm install @rexshijaku/choicefilter

include it as:



There are ten different examples (tutorials) on how to use this library on the demo folder. Here will be explained only one. In this example is presented a relationship between two dropdowns:

Javascript code:
    //select elements
    var continents = document.getElementById("continents"); // this will be parent elem
    var countries = document.getElementById("countries"); // this will be child (dependent)

     //create a connection between them 
          independentChoices : "select-a-country",
          autoSelectedChoicesAfterFilter: "select-a-country",
          showAllChildChoicesWhen: "all" 
Html code:
     <select class="form-control" id="continents">
        <option value="">Select a continent</option>
         <option value="all">Europe and Asia</option>
        <option value="europe">Europe</option>
        <option value="asia">Asia</option>
      <select class="form-control" id="countries">
        <option value="select-a-country">Select a country</option>
        <option value="de">Germany</option>
        <option value="xk">Kosovo</option>
       	<option value="jp">Japan</option>
        <option value="tr">Turkey</option>


Some important arguments are briefly explained below:

Argument DataType Default Description
data key value pair array empty array Mapped data of parent and child. Which values of parent element controls which values of child.
autoFilterOnInit true or false true Whether or not change event should be triggered when the relationship is created.
independentChoices single or an array of values empty array Choices of dependent element which are not affected by filter.
showAllChildChoicesWhen single or an array of values empty array Choices in parent element which show all choices in the dependent element
autoSelectedChoicesAfterFilter single or an array of values empty array Choices in child element which should be auto-selected when filtering occurs. A common example is when you want to select a default value of a dropdown to suggest a selection, if choices were updated and previous selection does not exists anymore.
presentOnEveryParent single or an array of values empty array Choices in child element which are present in every parent. This differs from independentChoices because these will be toglle only when parent has a value.
parentControlsVisibilityOf CSS selector empty string When parent has a value these elements will be shown, when not they will not be shown.
ignoreParentValues single or an array of values empty array Ignore values which should not have an effect in filter, cases like ‘Please select an item!’
wrapperSelector CSS selector empty string Wrapper of a child choices. If child choices have wrappers, selector must be provided in this argument
valueDelimiter string “,” If your values are strings which can contain any character. You should think what value should be given as a delimiter. This values should not be present in any value of element which is used as either parent or child.

To understand these arguments more easily, please check the demo folder provided in the repository.


For general questions about choicefilter.js, tweet at @rexshijaku or write me an email on To have a quick tutorial check the demo folder provided in the repository.


Rexhep Shijaku

Download Details:

Author: rexshijaku

Source Code:


Create Chained Form Fields With ChoiceFilter.js
3.30 GEEK