This blog series focuses on presenting complex DevOps projects as simple and approachable via plain language and lots of pictures. You can do it!

Hey all!

Over the past few years, I’ve worked to build up a highly scalable and secure terraform CI/CD platform based on Azure DevOps for many internal teams. We now maintain 150+ terraform pipelines across both AWS and Azure (I keep hearing teams might require GCP, but none have demanded it yet!), with ~50 runs per day. That amounts to some serious computer, and a great deal of investment into our processes and technologies to keep the whole stack from falling over. I’ve written extensively about how and what, if you’re interested in reading it — just check out my profile.

And now that it all works, we’re looking to the future. What other languages do we want to support? Terraform works well, but there are some weaknesses it has which we’re able to overcome with other languages.

#devops #azure #azure devops

Building an Azure DevOps-based ARM CI/CD for Azure Cloud
1.10 GEEK