Jumpstart Mantine Dev: Vite Template for Instant Setup


This template comes with the following features:

  • PostCSS with mantine-postcss-preset
  • TypeScript
  • Storybook
  • Vitest setup with React Testing Library
  • ESLint setup with eslint-config-mantine

npm scripts

Build and dev scripts

  • dev – start development server
  • build – build production version of the app
  • preview – locally preview production build

Testing scripts

  • typecheck – checks TypeScript types
  • lint – runs ESLint
  • prettier:check – checks files with Prettier
  • vitest – runs vitest tests
  • vitest:watch – starts vitest watch
  • test – runs vitest, prettier:check, lint and typecheck scripts

Other scripts

  • storybook – starts storybook dev server
  • storybook:build – build production storybook bundle to storybook-static
  • prettier:write – formats all files with Prettier

Download Details:

Author: mantinedev

Official Github: https://github.com/mantinedev/vite-template 



Jumpstart Mantine Dev: Vite Template for Instant Setup
1.35 GEEK