Easily Use TypeScript and Markdown with Deno to build a Static Site Generator

Building static web content is an absolute necessity. If you’ve been active in web development any time in the last 10 years, you’ve more than likely come across static-site generators like Jekyll or Gatsby. Even CMS systems like Wordpress perform quite a bit of static content generation.

Thanks to modern JavaScript, you don’t have to be a programming wizard to build fancy static-site generators. In fact, you can accomplish quite a lot with very little code. That’s what we are going to do in this blog post, and we are going to use an amazing new piece of technology called Deno.

Also, we will be using TypeScript, BUT WAIT! no prior TypeScript skills are required for this tutorial. If you’re comfortable with JavaScript you’ll be absolutely fine. In fact, you can use this to dip your feet in some TypeScript if you haven’t already.

#deno #markdown #javascript #typescript #web-development

Building A Static Site Generator with Deno, TypeScript and Markdown
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