In this video we show you the Top 20 Javascript Interview Questions and Answers.

Preparing for your interview with this list of questions and answers will astonish your interviewer, and help you get your Javascript job.

The following are the questions that are answered in the video:

  • Question #1: Is JavaScript case sensitive?
  • Question #2: What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?
  • Question #3: What are JavaScript Cookies”?
  • Question #4: What is the difference between local and session storage?
  • Question #5: What is DOM and How is DOM used in JavaScript?
  • Question #6: What do the push and pop methods do in JavaScript?
  • Question #7: What are timers in JavaScript?
  • Question #8: What will be the result of this 4+5+“9”?
  • Question #9: What does it mean by the scope of variables in JavaScript?
  • Question #10: What is “this” Keyword?
  • Question #11: How many types of functions are there in JavaScript?
  • Question #12: What is the difference between not defined and undefined?
  • Question #13: What are the possible ways to pass object/primitive types in JavaScript?
  • Question #14: What are deferred scripts in JavaScript?
  • Question # 15: What will be the output of the following code when executed?
  • Question # 16: What will be the output of the following lines of code?
  • Question #17: What will be the order of output from the following code and why?
  • Question #18: What will the two functions given below do and return?
  • Question #19: What will be the output of the following code? Explain it as well.
  • Question #20: What will be output of the following piece of code?

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Top 20 JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers
5.45 GEEK