Intervention Image has optional support for  Laravel and comes with a Service Provider and Facades for easy integration. The vendor/autoload.php file is included by Laravel, so you don’t have to require or autoload manually. We use Laravel 7. Also, I have used the intervention/image package to resize the image and then save the image into the database. We generally have the use cases like  upload an avatar or  upload a product image of a specific size on an e-commerce website. So intervention/image package is used to upload and resize the images.

Laravel Image Intervention

Intervention Image requires the following components to work correctly.

  1. PHP >= 5.4
  2. Fileinfo Extension

And one of the following image libraries.

  1. GD Library (>=2.0) … or …
  2. Imagick PHP extension (>=6.5.7)

First, we install Laravel Project.

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Laravel Image Intervention | Laravel 7 Image Intervention
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