This is a quick post that looks at how to speed up a simple, Python-based web scraping and crawling script with parallel processing via the multiprocessing library. We’ll also break down the script itself and show how to test the parsing functionality.

After completing this tutorial you should be able to:

  1. Scrape and crawl websites with Selenium and parse HTML with Beautiful Soup
  2. Set up unittest to test the scraping and parsing functionalities
  3. Set up multiprocessing to execute the web scraper in parallel
  4. Configure headless mode for ChromeDriver with Selenium

Project Setup

Clone down the repo if you’d like to follow along. From the command line run the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd web-scraping-parallel-processing
$ python3.7 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The above commands may differ depending on your environment.
Install ChromeDriver globally. (We’re using version 73.0.3683.20).

Script Overview

The script traverses and scrapes the first 20 pages of Hacker News for information about the current articles listed using Selenium to automate interaction with the site and Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML.

import datetime
from time import sleep, time

from scrapers.scraper import get_driver, connect_to_base, \
    parse_html, write_to_file

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_time = time()
    current_page = 1
    output_timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    output_filename = f'output_{output_timestamp}.csv'
    browser = get_driver()
    while current_page <= 20:
        print(f'Scraping page #{current_page}...')
        run_process(current_page, output_filename, browser)
        current_page = current_page + 1
    end_time = time()
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f'Elapsed run time: {elapsed_time} seconds')

Let’s start with the main-condition block. After setting a few variables, the browser is initialized via get_driver() from scrapers/

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # set variables
    start_time = time()
    current_page = 1
    output_timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    output_filename = f'output_{output_timestamp}.csv'

    # here #
    browser = get_driver()
    # scrape and crawl
    while current_page <= 20:
        print(f'Scraping page #{current_page}...')
        run_process(current_page, output_filename, browser)
        current_page = current_page + 1
    # exit
    end_time = time()
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f'Elapsed run time: {elapsed_time} seconds')

A while loop is then configured to control the flow of the overall scraper.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # set variables
    start_time = time()
    current_page = 1
    output_timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    output_filename = f'output_{output_timestamp}.csv'
    browser = get_driver()
    # scrape and crawl

    # here #
    while current_page <= 20:
        print(f'Scraping page #{current_page}...')
        run_process(current_page, output_filename, browser)
        current_page = current_page + 1
    # exit
    end_time = time()
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f'Elapsed run time: {elapsed_time} seconds')

Within the loop, run_process() is called, which houses the connection and scraping functions.

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

In run_process(), the browser instance and a page number are passed to connect_to_base().

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):

    # here #
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

This function attempts to connect to Hacker News and then uses Selenium’s explicit wait functionality to ensure the element with id='hnmain' has loaded before continuing.

def connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
    base_url = f'{page_number}'
    connection_attempts = 0
    while connection_attempts < 3:
            # wait for table element with id = 'hnmain' to load
            # before returning True
            WebDriverWait(browser, 5).until(
                EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'hnmain'))
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            connection_attempts += 1
            print(f'Error connecting to {base_url}.')
            print(f'Attempt #{connection_attempts}.')
    return False

Review the Selenium docs for more information on explicit wait.
To emulate a human user, sleep(2) is called after the browser has connected to Hacker News.

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):

        # here #
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

Once the page has loaded and sleep(2) has executed, the browser grabs the HTML source, which is then passed to parse_html().

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):

        # here #
        html = browser.page_source

        # here #
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

parse_html() uses Beautiful Soup to parse the HTML, generating a list of dicts with the appropriate data.

def parse_html(html):
    # create soup object
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    output_list = []
    # parse soup object to get article id, rank, score, and title
    tr_blocks = soup.find_all('tr', class_='athing')
    article = 0
    for tr in tr_blocks:
        article_id = tr.get('id')
        article_url = tr.find_all('a')[1]['href']
        # check if article is a hacker news article
        if 'item?id=' in article_url:
            article_url = f'{article_url}'
        load_time = get_load_time(article_url)
            score = soup.find(id=f'score_{article_id}').string
        except Exception as ex:
            score = '0 points'
        article_info = {
            'id': article_id,
            'load_time': load_time,
            'rank': tr.span.string,
            'score': score,
            'title': tr.find(class_='storylink').string,
            'url': article_url
        # appends article_info to output_list
        article += 1
    return output_list

This function also passes the article URL to get_load_time(), which loads the URL and records the subsequent load time.

def get_load_time(article_url):
        # set headers
        headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36'}
        # make get request to article_url
        response = requests.get(
            article_url, headers=headers, stream=True, timeout=3.000)
        # get page load time
        load_time = response.elapsed.total_seconds()
    except Exception as ex:
        load_time = 'Loading Error'
    return load_time

The output is added to a CSV file.

def run_process(page_number, filename, browser):
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)

        # here #
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')


def write_to_file(output_list, filename):
    for row in output_list:
        with open(filename, 'a') as csvfile:
            fieldnames = ['id', 'load_time', 'rank', 'score', 'title', 'url']
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

Finally, back in the while loop, the page_number is incremented and the process starts over again.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # set variables
    start_time = time()
    current_page = 1
    output_timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    output_filename = f'output_{output_timestamp}.csv'
    browser = get_driver()
    # scrape and crawl
    while current_page <= 20:
        print(f'Scraping page #{current_page}...')
        run_process(current_page, output_filename, browser)

        # here #
        current_page = current_page + 1
    # exit
    end_time = time()
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f'Elapsed run time: {elapsed_time} seconds')

Want to test this out? Grab the full script here.
It took about 355 seconds (nearly 6 minutes) to run:

(env)$ python
Scraping page #1...
Scraping page #2...
Scraping page #3...
Scraping page #4...
Scraping page #5...
Scraping page #6...
Scraping page #7...
Scraping page #8...
Scraping page #9...
Scraping page #10...
Scraping page #11...
Scraping page #12...
Scraping page #13...
Scraping page #14...
Scraping page #15...
Scraping page #16...
Scraping page #17...
Scraping page #18...
Scraping page #19...
Scraping page #20...
Elapsed run time: 355.06936597824097 seconds

Keep in mind that there may not be content on all 20 pages, so the elapsed time may be different on your end. This script was ran when there was content on 16 pages (461 records).
Got it? Great! Let’s add some basic testing.


To test the parsing functionality without initiating the browser and, thus, making repeated GET requests to Hacker News, you can download the page HTML and parse it locally. This can help avoid scenarios where you may get your IP blocked for making too many requests too quickly while writing and testing your parsing function, as well as saving you time by not needing to fire up a browser every time you run the script.


import unittest

from scrapers.scraper import parse_html

class TestParseFunction(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        with open('test/test.html', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html =
            self.output = parse_html(html)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.output = []

    def test_output_is_not_none(self):

    def test_output_is_a_list(self):
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.output, list))

    def test_output_is_a_list_of_dicts(self):
        self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(elem, dict) for elem in self.output))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Ensure all is well:

(env)$ python test/
Ran 3 tests in 64.225s


64 seconds?! Want to mock get_load_time() to bypass the GET request?

import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch

from scrapers.scraper import parse_html

class TestParseFunction(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self, mock_get_load_time):
        mock_get_load_time.return_value = 'mocked!'
        with open('test/test.html', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html =
            self.output = parse_html(html)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.output = []

    def test_output_is_not_none(self):

    def test_output_is_a_list(self):
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.output, list))

    def test_output_is_a_list_of_dicts(self):
        self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(elem, dict) for elem in self.output))

if __name__ == '__main__':


(env)$ python test/
Ran 3 tests in 0.423s


Configure Multiprocessing

Now comes up the fun part! By making just a few changes to the script, we can speed things up:

import datetime
from itertools import repeat
from time import sleep, time
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

from scraper.scraper import get_driver, connect_to_base, \
    parse_html, write_to_file

def run_process(page_number, filename):
    browser = get_driver()
    if connect_to_base(browser, page_number):
        html = browser.page_source
        output_list = parse_html(html)
        write_to_file(output_list, filename)
        print('Error connecting to hackernews')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_time = time()
    output_timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    output_filename = f'output_{output_timestamp}.csv'
    with Pool(cpu_count()-1) as p:
        p.starmap(run_process, zip(range(1, 21), repeat(output_filename)))
    end_time = time()
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f'Elapsed run time: {elapsed_time} seconds')

With the multiprocessing library, Pool is used to spawn a number of subprocesses based on the number of CPUs available on the system (minus one since the system processes take up a core).

This script is tested on a i7 Macbook Pro that has 8 cores.

(env)$ python
Elapsed run time: 62.95027780532837 seconds

Check out the completed script here.## Configure Headless ChromeDriver

To speed things up even further we can run Chrome in headless mode by simply updating get_driver() in scrapers/

def get_driver():
    # initialize options
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    # pass in headless argument to options
    # initialize driver
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
    return driver


(env)$ python
Elapsed run time: 58.14033889770508 seconds


With a small amount of variation from the original code, we were able to configure parallel processing in the script and set up ChromeDriver to run a headless browser to take the script’s run time from around 355 seconds to just over 58 seconds. In this specific scenario that’s 89.3% faster, which is a huge improvement.

I hope this helps your scripts. You can find the code in the repo.

#python #web-development #selenium

Building A Concurrent Web Scraper With Python and Selenium
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