
Programmers often want to create programs where users can enter multiple inputs in Python. They then perform several operations on the input provided by the user. Some inbuilt functions can be used multiple times to take input directly from the user such as raw_input () and input (). Writing the same functions multiple times in a code makes the file heavy and increases code complexity. In this blog, we are going to discuss several methods that collect multiple inputs from the user in one line and reduce code length.

  • Split () function
  • Map () function
  • List comprehension

Collection Multiple Inputs in Python From User

Using Split () Function

With the help of the split () function, developers can easily collect multiple inputs in Python from the user and assign all the inputs to the respective variables. Developers can specify a character that will be used as a separator to break the input provided by the user. If the developer is not providing any separator, then the user input is broken by white space. Usually, this method is used to break a python string into multiple substrings, but it can also be used to collect multiple inputs from the user.

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Multiple Inputs From User in Python | Python Input Program
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