A surprisingly easy approach to showcasing your Matplotlib plots and Pandas dataframes online for the whole world to see — in less than 100 lines of code.

Have you ever wanted to have a visualisation or dataframe accessible from your laptop or phone without having to run the code every time? Wouldn’t it be just great if you could leave it running in the background and have a web address in which you could access the data anytime, anyplace (with an internet connection)? Especially one that could automatically update when new data was available.

Turns out, you can, and it’s not that difficult at all. I taught myself how to do it over the last week just from Google, but there’s a lot of rubbish out there so here’s the easiest way that I’ve found. There might be better alternatives that I don’t know about, so please let me know if there is any. I’m genuinely curious. What you can definitely guarantee from this method, however, is simplicity. It also won’t cost you a penny. I’m also absolutely not a web developer so I apologise in advance if I murdered any terminology.

This article doesn’t expect much from you, a basic understanding of Python will do. A little knowledge of HTML would be beneficial, but absolutely not essential. Understanding Flask already would make this a piece of cake, but if you know Flask you probably know how to do this already. The structure will look a little bit like this and you could genuinely have this up and going within the hour, no problem.

  • Setting up flask
  • Basic routing
  • Pandas Dataframes
  • Matplotlib plots
  • Hosting on PythonAnywhere

#data-visualization #data #python #matplotlib #pandas dataframes dynamically #how to easily show matplotlib plots and pandas dataframes dynamically on your website.

How to Easily Show Your Matplotlib Plots and Pandas Dataframes Dynamically on Your Website
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