GraphQL seems shiny on the frontend, and frontend developers love it because of the flexibility to pick and choose the right size of data for our UI. Where the developer experience gets ugly is when you try to build the backend that supports a GraphQL API.

I am traditionally a frontend developer, but lately, I find that I have to build the API that supports my frontend projects. It gets frustrating when I want to use GraphQL on the frontend project, and for the life of me, I can’t get a GraphQL API running as quickly as I would have liked.

Between these struggles, I’ve finally found a way to optimize my developer experience when building a GraphQL API without sacrificing the users’ experience, thanks to Hasura! In the next 10 minutes, you’re going to roll out a GraphQL API with real data and data relationships.

GraphQL API Backend with Hasura

The trick to setting up a GraphQL API without the hassle is to use Hasura. I have been using it for a while and loved it so much that I started on an online workshop on building fullstack GraphQL projects with Hasura.

#graphql #api

How to Build Your First GraphQL API in 10 Minutes
3.15 GEEK