The 5 most popular React frameworks are Create React App (could argue it’s not even a framework), Gatsby, Next.js, Blitz and RedwoodJS. They all have pros and cons to them, and different use-cases. This video aims to give an overview of each of them, highlighting their differences and what I personally find their most compelling features.

---------- Course

Want to go deeper with Next.js? Join me in my Next Level Next.js course where over 29 videos and 8 hours of content we’ll build a full application from start to finish. We use TypeScript, GraphQL, Prisma, Apollo, Mapbox, Firebase and lots more.

---------- Timeline

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:25 - TL;DR
  • 03:45 - Create React App
  • 05:35 - Gatsby
  • 11:05 - Next.js
  • 16:00 - Blitz
  • 19:55 - RedwoodJS

#react #gatsby #next #blitz #redwood

React Framework Comparison: Gatsby, Next.js, Blitz, Redwood
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