Among developers, exposure to Docker ranges from having vaguely heard of the technology to using it on a daily basis, the latter category singing its praises while the former is sometimes still struggling with the sheer concept of containers.

Wherever you are on your journey, as a developer there are many reasons why you might want to delve into this technology, including, but not limited to:

“I read a few things about Docker and I am now looking for something more hands-on”

“I use a Vagrant-based solution like Homestead and it starts to show its limits”

“I already use a turnkey solution like Laradock and I want to understand of how things work under the hood”

“I want greater control over my development environment”

“I want to better understand application architecture”

“My current project uses microservices”

Whatever your motive is, you might notice the emergence of a theme, revolving around understanding and being in control. In my opinion, Docker is about empowering the developer, from providing a safe environment to try out technologies easily — without messing up your local environment — to opening the gates to the world of Ops.

#docker-compose #web-development #php #docker #lemp

An Introduction to Docker for Web Development
1.05 GEEK