What is a Programming language?

A Programming language is a computer-readable language that is used by programmers to develop software applications or a set of instructions for a computer to process the task given to it. There are numerous programming languages, these languages have their own rules, structure, and syntax to write a program.

Top Computer Programming Languages

When you decide to have a programming career, some common questions that strike your mind are as follows:

  • In which programming language, you should invest your money and time?
  • Which programming language is in demand?
  • Which one offers plenty of jobs?
  • Which language is stable in the market?

There is no ‘right’ answer to such questions. Choosing the first programming language to learn will depend on what type of projects you work on, which programming language you need to work with, how easy you want it to be, and what the difficulty level is.

Below are some of the top 6 latest programming languages you can learn for grabbing lucrative jobs or for upgrading your current programming skills. If you want to work as a developer, you must know at least two programming languages and enhance your skills in them.

I made this post very helpful these are some programming languages that are covered:

Let’s start with the first programming language.


Python is one of the most flourishing programming languages in technology today. It is very easy and fun for beginners to learn Python because it is an open-source and object-oriented programming language. Python programming language was developed by Guido Van Rossum, and it was released in the year 1991.

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Top Programming Languages to learn in 2020
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