A step-by-step video tutorial that teaches you how to develop a Spring MVC web application with JSP/ThymeLeaf using Spring Boot and Eclipse IDE. You will also learn how to package your first Spring Boot application into an executable JAR file (for Thymeleaf) and a deployable WAR file (for JSP).

1:43 Create SpringBoot Project
13:46 Create Welcome Page
18:31 Create Spring Controller Class
22:48 Create Domain Model Class
24:24 Create Business Class
31:06 Use JSP with SpringBoot
47:52 Use ThymeLeaf with SpringBoot
55:15 Configure Logging
58:47 Configure Tomcat Server
1:03:17 Package to Jar (ThymeLeaf)
1:07:59 Problems with JAR packaging (JSP)
1:09:52 Package to WAR (JSP)

Read the article: http://www.codejava.net/frameworks/spring-boot/how-to-create-a-spring-boot-web-application-spring-mvc-with-jsp-thymeleaf

Download sample project here: http://www.codejava.net/download-attachment?fid=374

#spring boot #jsp #thymeleaf #eclipse #ide

How to Create a Spring Boot Web Application
1.15 GEEK