Monitoring is a crucial aspect of any Ops pipeline and for Kubernetes. Let’s deploy a Production grade Prometheus base monitoring system in less than 5 minutes.

Monitoring is a crucial aspect of any Ops pipeline and for technologies like Kubernetes which is a rage right now, a robust monitoring setup can bolster your confidence to migrate production workloads from VMs to Containers.

Today we will deploy a Production grade Prometheus based monitoring system, in less than 5 minutes.


  1. Running a Kubernetes cluster with at least 6 cores and 8 GB of available memory. I will be using a 6 node GKE for this tutorial.
  2. Working knowledge of Kubernetes Deployments and Services.


  1. Prometheus server with persistent volume. This will be our metric storage (TSDB).
  2. Alertmanager server which will trigger alerts to Slack/Hipchat and/or Pagerduty/Victorops etc.
  3. Kube-state-metrics server to expose container and pod metrics other than those exposed by cadvisor on the nodes.
  4. Grafana server to create dashboards based on Prometheus data.

_Note: All the manifests being used are present in this _Github Repo. I recommend cloning it before you start.

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Monitoring Setup Overview

Deploying Alertmanager

Before deploying, please update “<your_slack_hook>” , “<your_victorops_hook>” , _‘<YOUR_API_KEY>’ _. If you use a notification channel other than these, please follow thisdocumentationand update the config

kubectl apply -f k8s/monitoring/alertmanager/

This will create the following:

  1. A monitoring namespace.
  2. Config-map to be used by alertmanager to manage channels for alerting.
  3. Alertmanager deployment with 1 replica running.
  4. Service with Google Internal Loadbalancer IP which can be accessed from the VPC (using VPN)


root$ kubectl get pods -l app=alertmanager2
NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE3
alertmanager-42s7s25467-b2vqb   1/1       Running   0          2m4
root$ kubectl get svc -l name=alertmanager5
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE6
alertmanager   LoadBalancer     9093:32634/TCP   2m7
root$ kubectl get configmap8
NAME                     DATA      AGE9
alertmanager             1         2m

In your browser, navigate to http://:9093 and you should see the alertmanager console.

#tutorial #kubernetes #cloud native #prometheus

Kubernetes Monitoring Using Prometheus In Less Than 5 Minutes
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