Microservices is one the hottest buzz word in the Software Industry, but what exactly is a microservice and what are the ways in which it can be designed, this will be discussed in this article with diagrams and explanation.

What is a microservice?

A microservice architecture is a variant of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) structural style which arranges an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine grained and the protocols are light weighted. — Wikipedia.

Microservices architecture is used in building software applications which is an alternative architecture as compared to monolithic architecture in which the application is tightly coupled together and the methods and user interfaces are located in a single place. and they are written mostly in a single programming language.

_Also read: _Why all the developers should learn and understand REST/SOAP Services

APIs vs Microservices

Most of the times, when we talk about microservices, we sometimes misunderstand it with APIs, so before we jump to design patterns we should understand the difference between APIs and microservices.

Microservices are architectural style for web applications, where the functionality is divided up across small web services, whereas APIs are the framework through which the web developer can interact with the web application. (Read more on APIs in the link given above.)

Design Patterns:

_In software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern isn’t a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. — _Soucremaking.com

Similarly in microservices too, we have design patterns which are used to design the complete web application using microservices and its interactions using APIs. This is where the integration services comes into play. In this section, I am going to explain some of the design patterns being used for interacting with microservices.

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What are microservices and its design patterns.
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