When it comes to modern web apps, scalability is king. It’s no longer enough for web apps to perform well: They must also perform well even when they experience sudden spikes in demand from a large number of concurrent users.

As if that weren’t enough, building scalable web apps also requires a large amount of time, resources, and strategic planning in the best of circumstances. And that task becomes even more challenging when you throw a remote development team into the mix — which is often the case in our cost-effective, globalized world.

The good news is that there are quite a few tools and tricks that you can use to build modern scalable web applications. At Zartis, we’ve been running a remote-oriented business with over 100 engineers for years. We’ve picked their brains and distilled proven practices on how to create scalable web applications while working with a distributed software team.

Why Is It Important to Build Scalable and Modern Web Apps?

Users today expect a lightning-fast load time, high availability 24/7, and minimal disruptions of the user experience — regardless of how many other people are trying to access your web content. And that’s on top of a great user interface and customer support. If you fail to deliver, they will simply abandon your app for more scalable web applications that offer a better user experience.

Don’t shoot the messenger — such are the harsh realities of the digital market. Just consider this: Recently, the ALDO Group found that fast rendering times on their mobile application resulted in 75% more revenue than average and 327% more than slow rendering times. But that’s not all. The respective figures for their desktop app were a whopping 212% and 572%!

#scalability #nodejs #programming #javascript #software-development

How to Build Scalable Modern Web Apps in an All-Remote World
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