Breaking down the long-lived back-end monolith into microservices allowed newfound efficiency and scale in the back-end development process. Yet, most front-end application architectures today are still monolithic, making it hard to accelerate and scale the frontend development process is the same sense.

The idea of Micro Frontends is to break down the frontend monolith into smaller, more manageable pieces. Each team can own its own features end-to-end, work in their own codebase, independently release versions, constantly deliver small incremental upgrades, and also integrate with other teams via APIs so that they can compose and manage pages and applications together.

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There are many approaches to micro frontends, from smart build-time integrations of components to run-time integrations using custom routers. In this list, I’ve gathered the most prominent tools out there to help build micro frontends. Feel free to add your feedback or suggestions in the comments!

#programming #front-end-development #react #javascript #web-development

11 Micro Frontends Frameworks You Should Know
11.15 GEEK