User authentication is an integral part of most applications and in general can be seen as the process that which allows device to verify the identify of someone who connects to a network resource. In our case, these refers to our web app. Nowadays they are many technologies and web frameworks that make this task easy but in our case, we shall concentrate on the Django web framework to perform this task.
Django by default comes with a user authentication system. It handles user accounts, groups, permissions and cookie-based user sessions. For this tutorial we will be using mainly class base views(CBV) because they are a lot more easy to understand, save time and already have test built into them as compared to the functional base views(FBV) which are a lot more easy to customize but do not have test built into them.
In order to better understand and appreciate this tutorial, a basic understanding of python and the django framework is essential.

  • Django 3.0
  • python 3.8
  • Bootstrap 4 (for our frontend)
  • django-bootstrap4 2.3.1(for our forms)

#django #python-programming #django-girls #django-admin #django-rest-framework

Build a User Authentication Web App With Python and Django
3.80 GEEK