Selenium is a framework for the testing of web applications. Using Selenium, you can automate web applications in any of your browsers according to your requirement. WebDriver in Selenium is used to send commands to the different browsers. It works on all the major browsers which includes the Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. So, let’s have a look at some of the amazing features of Selenium.

Selenium Features

Let us see the key features of selenium that make it worth learning:

1. Language and Framework Support

When someone chooses any automation tool, the first thing that comes to the mind is, “Does my tool support the programming language that I know.”

Well, this is not the case with the Selenium as it supports all the major languages, including Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, and Perl language for the test automation.

Anyone can write their scripts in any of these programming languages, and Selenium converts it into the Selenium compatible codes in no time.

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Selenium Features - Reasons to Learn Selenium Automation Testing
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