Flux v2 is a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes, and they are open and extensible. Continuous Delivery just means that you are able to do frequent deployments but may choose not to do it, usually due to businesses preferring a slower rate of deployment.

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Source Code
🖥️ - GitHub: https://github.com/antonputra/tutorials/tree/main/lessons/061

0:00 Intro
0:16 Create IAM User
0:44 Create EKS Cluster
1:01 Install Flux client
1:09 Create GitHub repository
1:34 Boostrap Kubernetes Cluster
2:43 Create nginx deployment
3:46 Create IRSA for Flux
6:00 Create CronJob to get ECR token
7:27 Configure Flux to scan ECR repository

🎙- Twitter: https://twitter.com/antonvputra
📨 - Email: me@antonputra.com

#Fluxcd #GitOps #Kubernetes

#aws #gitops #kubernetes

Kubernetes Continuous Delivery with Flux v2: AWS | EKS | ECR | CD Pipeline |Fluxcd |GitOps
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