As new technologies emerge, it is sometimes hard to find resources to learn and better your skills. When I first learned Go approximately 6+ years ago, there were minimal resources to learn from. Since Go is in many ways an eccentric language, the learning curve was steeper than it had to be β€” despite its simplicity.

Since that time, Awesome lists have popped up for almost every technology. They are generally well organized and highly useful. Some are curated.

About a year ago I discovered the revolutionary front-end JS framework called Svelte. It recently surpassed infancy. It is a compile-time framework made by the creator of rollup.js. Compared to React, I was astonished by its superior performance, smaller bundle file size, and developer experience (* 2020 Highest Dev Satisfaction).

After studying the codebase and the key figures closely, I believe in 3 years’ time only 2 major frameworks will exist. No Vue. No Angular. My only concerns were that Rich Harris (the creator) may lose interest or that someone influential at React decides to overhaul React into a compile-time framework.

Once again I bet my company on Svelte. And to help Svelte’s upward trajectory, I launched an Awesome Svelte page. There were two prior Awesome Svelte pages but they fizzled away. I wanted to create an amazing list to ensure that Svelte enthusiasts can always find useful resources.

This article exposes my thinking and considerations on how I created my Awesome Page.

It aims to have these features:

β€’ Faster to find components.

β€’ Ordered using live star count (novel).

β€’ Summary tables to compare features of rival components.

#programming #sveltejs #svelte #github #javascript

Create an Eye-catching GitHub Readme (πŸ…°πŸ††πŸ…΄πŸ†‚πŸ…ΎπŸ…ΌπŸ…΄ Svelte)
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