In this video i will show you how to stream or display a youtube video into a vlc GUI .so we will work on two packages pafy and vlc pafy to extract youtube video data and vlc to display that data into GUI.
Pafy objects relate to videos hosted on YouTube. They hold metadata such as title, viewcount, author and video ID ,Stream objects relate to individual streams of a YouTube video. They hold stream-specific data such as resolution, bitrate and url. Each Pafy object contains multiple stream objects.
he bindings generator generates ctypes-bindings from the include files defining the public API. The same generated module should be compatible with various versions of libvlc 2.* and 3.*. However, there may be incompatible changes between major versions. Versioned bindings for 2.2 and 3.0 are provided in the repository.

#python #pythongui

How to Stream Youtube video on GUI using Python
27.85 GEEK