Let’s take a Vue application scaffolded with Vue CLI like this bahmutov/vue-calculator app. In this blog post, I will show how to instrument the application’s source code to collect the code coverage information. We then will use the code coverage reports to guide the end-to-end test writing.

The application

The example application can be found in bahmutov/vue-calculator repo that was forked from kylbutlr/vue-calculator which used Vue CLI default template during scaffolding. The code is transformed using the following babel.config.js file:

// babel.config.js 
module.exports = { 
    [ '@vue/app' 

When we start the application with npm run serve, we execute the NPM script

  "scripts": { 
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve" 

The application runs at port 8080 by default.

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Tada! You can calculate anything you want.

Instrument source code

We can instrument the application code by adding the plugins list to the exported Babel config.The plugins should include the babel-plugin-istanbul.

// babel.config.js 
module.exports = { 
  presets: [ 
  plugins: [ 

The application runs, and now we should find the window.__coverage__ object with counters for every statement, every function, and every branch of every file.

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#vue #programming #vue applications

Code Coverage for Vue Applications
1.50 GEEK