TL;DR: we are going to build a customized RSS reader on the basis of Notion using Notion API beta and AWS Lambda. See the source code here.

High-level architecture of what we are about to do

As of May 13th, the Notion had released a public beta preview of their API. This is a long-awaited feature that enables you to further consolidate your activities in one single tool. One particular thing which I always wanted Notion to provide is the integration for my daily RSS feed.While Notion itself doesn’t have anything out-of-the-box for pulling in your RSS feed, the release of Notion API is something that provides us with the opportunity to leverage a myriad of automation platforms as well as serverless solutions from Cloud providers to implement whatever integration we want.

Before we start

You should know that there are several decent RSS readers like Feedly which do a fine job of aggregating your RSS feeds, so before jumping the gun I recommend checking them out.

#rss #aws-lambda #notion #aws #aws cdk

Transform Notion into RSS reader with AWS Lambda and AWS CDK
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