Modern apps need to reply in less than 200ms end to end at any scale -> less than 100ms should be spent inside the data center

So now you get the point of this whole article. Yes right we would be talking about blazing fast REmote DIctionary SErver

So what is Redis?

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store which can be used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Redis supports multiple data structures and can perform around 110,000 sets per second and about 81000 gets per second.

Redis can be considered as a mix of MongoDB and Memcached this is why it provides rich datatypes support, caching, and disk persistence.

Is it only about the speed and data type support?


Redis has these features too

  • very flexible
  • no schemas & column names
  • designed to be accessed by trusted clients
  • do not allow external access/internet exposure.
  • simple authentication can be set up.
  • can be restricted to certain interfaces

So let’s dive into some of the data structures and commands but before that, you have to install Redis.

follow the official link

#redis-node #nodejs #scaling #redis #caching

Redis Caching inNode.js
1.70 GEEK