A simple reactjs alert component


A simple reactjs alert component for your website. To get started, try installing the reactjs-alert:

  • npm install --save reactjs-alert

Example screenshot

alt demo

How to use

A simple Reactjs component that will pop up an alert and hide automatically after a while. You can customize it with different props type in your code.

To add this npm to your project run:

  • npm install --save reactjs-alert

Import it to your specific project file: import ReactJsAlert from "reactjs-alert".

import ReactJsAlert from "reactjs-alert"

Finally, add the ReactJsAlert component within render method:

    type="success"   // success, warning, error, info
    title="Hey! this is an alert."   // title you want to display
    status={true}   // true or false
    button="Try Again"
    quote="You can change the color, quote, title of you own"
    Close={() => this.setState({ status: false })}   // callback method for hide


This import of ReactJsAlert hook is able to show alerts. And that’s it!

Available props

type: string   ( success, warning, error, info )
title: string  ( alert title )
status: binary  ( true or false )
Close: callBackMethod()  ( structure: [ Close={() => this.setState({ status: false })} ])
color: string  ( optional: hex code [i.e. #f4f4f4] you want to use )
quote: string  ( optional: a text you want to display )
button: string ( a button name you want to use i.e. Try Again )

Peer dependencies

This package expect the following peer dependencies:

"peerDependencies": {
    "react": "^16.6.1",
    "react-dom": "^16.6.3"

So make sure that you have those installed too!

Example usage

An example of showing alerts simultaneously:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactJsAlert from "reactjs-alert";

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      type: "error",
      status: true,
      title: "Hey! this is an error.",
      quote: "Something went wrong. Please try again!",

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
          type={this.state.type} // success, warning, error, info
          title={this.state.title} // title you want to display
          status={this.state.status} // true or false
          Close={() => this.setState({ status: false })}

Beta version ?v=Beta

This package allows a beta version which includes the following:

  • add props for custom alert icons
  • use of props to control alert time
  • add props for custom position of the alert
  • props for alert customization with custom className

So make sure to follow me on github for latest update! Thanks…

This component is built as a package to npm by Sourav Dutta.

Happy Coding ♡

Download Details:

Author: sourav-oss

Source Code: https://github.com/sourav-oss/reactjs-alert

#react #reactjs #javascript

A simple reactjs alert component
13.25 GEEK