Hi all. In this blog we will see how we can leverage spring boot and Eureka server to do a Service Registry and Discovery. In the world of microservices scalability and elasticity is mandatory. That means, we can scale our services both up and down to meet the variant load requirements. Typically, this includes creating and destroying the instances of our services.

Microservices communicate with each other through exposed endpoints/APIs. For this communication to take place, the dependent service should know the address of the supplier service so as to invoke its API through a REST call. Traditionally, we use to hardcode the addresses of the services and the dependent service would send a request using these addresses. However, with dynamic scaling of services in place it become hard to keep track of their addresses everytime a new instance was created or destroyed. To overcome this problem, we use naming servers. How we use naming servers and how they help us? We will explore that in this blog. So, let’s start.

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Service Registry and Discovery with Eureka
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