On August 12th we will be removing the Maintainers team from the GatsbyJS organization on GitHub. All members of this team, as well as all future Gatsby community contributors, will have their status set as “Outside Collaborators” on the GatsbyJS monorepo. All essential capabilities — forking the repo, submitting issues and PRs, etc. — will still be open for community members. However, a few capabilities previously held by organization members — deleting or editing other contributors’ PRs, issues, and comments; creating branches in the monorepo; requesting PR reviews through GitHub — will no longer be available.

These changes will ultimately help the Core team manage Gatsby’s ecosystem more efficiently and sustainably. It will also help us ensure that the community is an inclusive space with fewer opportunities for community members to take actions that could accidentally or intentionally violate our Code of Conduct.

There are changes coming to community permissions and access to the Gatsby open source monorepo on GitHub. They will going into effect on August 12th. To understand what will be happening and why, please make sure to read this document carefully. We’ll be covering…

  • What changes are being made
  • Why we’re making these changes
  • How this will impact the community/contributing to Gatsby
  • What’s next for the community

What changes are being made?

These changes will take effect on Wednesday, August 12th by 12 pm ET/9am PT.

  1. The Maintainers team in the GatsbyJS organization on GitHub will be removed.

#github #gatsby's github repo

Changes Coming to Community Permissions in Gatsby's GitHub Repo
1.15 GEEK