PHP Multi-select jQuery AJAX tutorial; in this tutorial, we will tell you how to profoundly create multiple select values functionality in PHP 8 using the jQuery Select2 plugin.

PHP Select2 MultiSelect AJAX

Moreover, we will create a playlist and store the multi-selected values into the database with the help of jQuery AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML).

Select2 is an excellent plugin empowered by JavaScript. You can create a highly customizable select box that comes with profound support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options. It is not just PHP, but it supports around 40 languages; you can combine it with AJAX to enable remote data support. You can add custom styling with CSS and SASS support, add items dynamically, and support a wide array of modern browsers.

PHP Multiple Select with Select2

In this tutorial, we will create a database connection file and an index file. In the database file, we will establish a database connection for storing select2 multiple select values. In the index file, we will add an input text field to store values and select box to choose multiple values, also add the select2 javascript file to create the multi-select autocomplete in PHP.

#php #jquery #ajax

PHP 8 Select2 Multi Select with jQuery AJAX Tutorial
5.55 GEEK